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  • Writer's pictureEric Chang

Discovering Aromatherapy in NYC: Our Candle-Making Date at Wick and Pour

Finding Our Wellness Goal: Aromatherapy

August has a way of sneaking up on you, doesn’t it? One moment you’re soaking up the sun, and the next, you’re getting ready for some leaf peeping. At Huppily, we wanted to use this transitional time to encourage a little self-care with our August prompt: "Pick a wellness goal this month & document it." It’s about finding that one thing that helps you slow down and enjoy life a little more. For Sophie and me, this month’s goal was all about diving into the world of aromatherapy.

A Busy Month and the Need to Unwind

We chose aromatherapy because, well, we needed it. August was one of those months where the work seemed never-ending. We were in the final stages of prepping for Huppily's big launch, and the to-do list just kept getting longer. But that’s where the beauty of our wellness prompt came in. It was a gentle reminder to slow down, take a deep breath, and make time for the things that bring you peace—like hot baths with essential oils and lighting a candle from Lumi, our FAVORITE candle shop in NYC. Let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like the soothing glow of a candle and the calming scent of osmanthus tea to make you feel like you’ve hit the reset button.

An Invitation to Wick and Pour’s Candle-Making Workshop

After our successful launch, we finally had a bit more breathing room, and right on cue, an invitation arrived that we couldn’t resist. Wick and Pour, a charming spot bringing to the city its candle-making workshops, invited us to join them for an afternoon of crafting and relaxation. It was the perfect way to continue our aromatherapy journey, and we were all in.

A Warm Welcome and the Start of Our Candle-Making Adventure

We arrived at Wick and Pour on a bright afternoon, eager for what lay ahead. As soon as we walked in, we were greeted by Sam and Olivia, two wonderful ladies who made us feel welcome from the moment we stepped through the door. The space had this warm, cozy vibe—shelves lined with beautiful candle vessels just waiting to be filled. It felt like a little haven in the middle of the city.

Choosing Scents and Preparing Our Candles

Our first task was to choose our candle vessels. This might sound straightforward, but when you’re faced with two wonderful style – glass or ceramic – and an array of colors, it’s a tough choice. After much deliberation, Sophie chose a smokey glass, while I went for a green glass with a vintage feel.

Once our vessels were in hand, we were guided over to a wall lined with scents. I’m talking an entire wall dedicated to fragrances—everything from fresh linen and jasmine to more unique options like Old Books and Bourbon. It was like being in a candy store, except instead of sugar highs, you’re getting scent highs. I ended up picking Old Books and Bourbon (because who doesn’t love the smell of a well-loved library with a hint of something stronger?) and Beach House.

Learning the Art of Candle-Making

Next came the technical part: preparing our candle vessels with wicks. This part brought back memories of my lab days in grad school—steady hands, precise placement. There’s something incredibly satisfying about setting the wick just right, knowing that you’re laying the foundation for something that’s going to bring warmth and light. I always loved the precision of science, and this felt like a creative twist on that same love.

With our vessels prepped, it was time to get into the nitty-gritty of candle making. Sam and Olivia provided us with pots of melted wax, and we began the process of blending our chosen scents, adding dyes, and even tossing in a bit of glitter for good measure. It was like being a kid again, but with the freedom to create something that was uniquely ours. Sophie opted for a luscious red, while I went for a calming blue hue. And we both scattered some dried flowers on top—something that felt both rustic and elegant.

The Surprising World of Candle Care

As our candles set, Olivia carefully handled the curing process, and Sam took the time to share some fascinating tips on candle care. I’ll be honest—I thought you just light a candle and enjoy it, but there’s so much more to it! For example, did you know that you should always let the top layer of wax fully melt before blowing out your candle? If you don’t, it creates a tunnel and leads to uneven melting. I had no idea! This little nugget of wisdom was a game-changer for us candle novices.

A New Experience and New Friends

While we waited for our candles to cool, Sophie and I found ourselves in the company of new friends. We shared stories and laughed. There’s something about creating with your hands that breaks down barriers and brings people together. For Sophie and me, it was also a wonderful date experience. It was refreshing to step away from the daily grind and learn new things about each other. For example, I found out that Sophie’s love for pine comes from her childhood Christmases, while she discovered my affinity for the smell of old books—a scent that always makes me feel like I’m on the brink of a new adventure.

Why You Should Try Wick and Pour in NYC

If you’re looking for a unique date idea in NYC, I can’t recommend Wick and Pour’s candle-making workshop enough. It’s not just about making a candle; it’s about the experience of slowing down, connecting, and creating something beautiful together. Plus, you get to take home a little piece of your day—a candle that will remind you of the fun, laughter, and new memories made.

In a city that never sleeps, it’s easy to get caught up in the rush and forget to take time for yourself and those you love. But experiences like this remind you of the importance of pausing, breathing, and soaking in the good vibes. Thanks to Wick and Pour and our adventure into aromatherapy, Sophie and I were reminded of the beauty of taking time to unwind and connect. We’ll certainly be back for another round of candle making and to explore more scents!

So, to all the guys out there looking to impress their special someone, take it from me: this is a date spot worth trying. You might just find yourself having as much fun as we did, learning a thing or two about candles—and each other—along the way.

Adding Our Experience to Huppily and Connecting with Like-Minded Folks

We enjoyed our time at Wick and Pour so much that we’ve decided to add it to our Huppily profile as one of our favorite wellness activities in response to the August prompt. It was a wonderful way to unwind, connect, and create something beautiful together. We hope to meet other folks on Huppily who share a similar idea of wellness—those who find joy in the little things, like the calming ritual of lighting a hand-poured candle after a long day. If that sounds like you, let’s connect! Maybe we’ll even see you at the next candle-making workshop. Here’s to more experiences that light up our lives in the best possible way.

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